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resume - Dark Light is a movie starring Jessica Madsen, Opal Littleton, and Ed Brody. A woman returns to her family home and discovers it to be inhabited by monsters.
release year - 2019.
Director - Padraig Reynolds.
Padraig Reynolds.
cast - Ed Brody, Opal Littleton.
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This is the dumbest premise and one of the worst horror films I have ever seen! The production value is good, but how any sane producers ever green lighted this awful excuse for a film is beyond my understanding.
It's about some apparent folk legend in the south about a race of undetectable fiends who have evolved alongside humanity. How they stay hidden for long generations with headlights for faces, which they always shine really brightly when they're hanging around your property, is the real mystery! They also continually whine like pigs and drool all over the place, but never leave a trace anywhere they've been.
They apparently feed on the life forces of humans, and can rip a person to shreds and drain all the life from them in a few seconds. But in the case of the protagonist's daughter, they take a really long time and keep her pretty and safe for days or weeks, ready to rescue when the big scene comes.
These fiends live and move all around in the protagonist's home without detection for the most part; even though they are big, hulking, slow-moving, ugly brutes. They get in to the house through a trap door in the floor of the household elevator that leads to a network of underground tunnels, and it even has a little convenient handle built in for them to use, but apparently nobody realizes what it's for.
Although it supposedly takes place in Mississippi, only one character has a southern accent. Everyone else sounds like they're from California.
Really bad, even for morons.
2:38 when you are the first one to finish the test at school.
Annie (Jessica Madsen ) gets divorced and returns to her mother's old farmhouse with her daughter Emily (Opal Littleton. Seems everyone in her cornfield has a hunting spotlight in the middle of their forehead. Mom must kill an endangered species (it's okay it is Mississippi) to save her daughter who is mute for much of the film.
It was an okay film. Kristina Clifford needed to be a little more homespun. Gerald Tyler was never properly developed to where we could enjoy him. Paul was bland.
Guide: F-word. No sex or nudity.
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It´s not one of the worst I´ve seen but I couldn´t wait to get to the end. All predictable and lacking interest. The one you should see is I See You. Unconventional, thrilling and well elaborated.
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Abdulshakur AbdilahResume: YES Alumni 2018 - 2019 🇹🇿♥️🇺🇸 I love my: 1. self 2. friends 3. families